


唐纳森在哪里做整形手术 & 美学澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网?

你已经咨询过医生了. 唐纳森, decided on a plan of action together, maybe even scheduled a date for your surgery. 接下来你脑子里想的可能是“这一切将在哪里举行?

在唐纳森整形外科 & 审美的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, we want you to feel as confident and informed as possible before your procedure, 所以我们才想告诉你我们在哪里运作. While minor procedures that can be conducted under local anesthesia are performed in our office procedure room, all general anesthesia procedures are performed at accredited ambulatory surgery centers.

手术中心是门诊设施 focused on providing same-day surgical care with a safe and convenient 经验 for patients. These centers are equipped with state-of-the-art surgical equipment and highly trained staff that are fully committed to your care and comfort.


为什么不去医院,或者更实际一点,去私人手术室呢? 许多人把澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台和医院澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在一起, 假设他们是唯一为他们的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网配备的设施. Others expect their procedure to be done in an operating room privately owned and exclusive to the practice.

然而, there are many reasons that make surgery centers a much better choice for our patients. 这里有几个原因,为什么他们是博士的首选. 唐纳森.


当手术室是私人经营时, there is a lot of variability in your 经验 depending on the surgeon and his or her resources. Surgery centers, however, have a much more streamlined system of operations. 每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台和医疗专业人员都在那里接受计划好的手术, 而且不需要担心破坏, short-handedness, 或者是最后一刻的改变影响了你的手术. 环境舒适, 个性化的, 和patient-focused, 为我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台提供一定程度的舒适.


The surgery centers we partner with have multiple surgery suites at their disposal, 在你安排手术时提供稳定的可用性. Surgery centers’ schedules are also less variable than those of privately owned operating rooms, as they’re not dependent on the day-to-day events of the surgeon’s practice. Dr. 唐纳森 has dedicated time blocked on Tuesdays and Thursdays for that allows your surgery to be scheduled at the center far in advance if you so choose.


虽然任何手术都有风险, 绝大多数手术没有任何并发症. 然而, surgery centers have a full nursing staff and multiple physicians onsite, which provides our patients the peace of mind that they are in the best of hands. These centers are better prepared than private operating rooms in terms of staffing and equipment to handle every emergency situation that might arise.


手术中心是门诊设施, 也就是说你会在同一天进出手术. 这是理想的整容手术类型,博士. 唐纳森执行, which are routine and require an extended stay only under very specific conditions, 让手术中心成为我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的理想选择.


Although going with a surgery center is slightly more expensive than using an in-house operating room, the value of the resources and safety provided to the patient make it entirely worth the cost. 也, patients are not subject to any of the indirect and overhead costs of a surgeon’s private operating room, 哪些是完全由外科医生决定的. Payments are also made beforehand with any and all operating room or anaesthesia fees already applied, so there are no surprises waiting for you while you are focusing on recovery.


Surgery center patients benefit from an equal or even improved quality of care than that found in a privately owned operating room. Dr. 唐纳森 has hand-picked his own highly trained surgical team for their vast knowledge, 经验, unparalleled ability to deliver the best quality care to his patients. The same team is used for the majority of all of our procedures, allowing Dr. 让唐纳森专注于他最擅长的事情.


因为这些设施是独立的, there are no issues with locating them or finding parking on the day of your surgery. 它们的设计考虑到您的方便, 并且经常被发现毗邻居民区,方便进入. 如果澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台关心隐私, surgery centers are relatively inconspicuous and offer a certain level of comfort and discretion.


虽然博士. 唐纳森 is credentialed at many surgery centers and hospitals in Columbus, 有两个主要是因为他们的专业知识而被使用, 专业, 以及出色的患者反馈.


交通便利,就在Rt旁边. 315和伯特利路 骑士桥手术中心 是和俄亥俄健康合作建立的门诊设施吗. 该地区最优秀的经委员会认证的外科医生,包括Dr. 唐纳森, 在这里拥有独家操作特权, 确保您在整个过程中得到最好的帮助.


也称为COSI, the 俄亥俄州中部外科研究所 is an outpatient facility located north of Columbus in New Albany. Equipped with the latest in surgical equipment and advanced instrumentation, COSI is known for its sophistication as well as its emphasis on patient comfort, 使其成为博士的绝佳选择. 唐纳森的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台.


在唐纳森整形外科 & 美学澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,我们的承诺 帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台 做出明智的决定指导我们所做的一切. It is important to us that patients have a full-rounded understanding of where their procedure will take place so they can make the best decision for their lives. Our proud partnership with these surgery centers make us confident that we are delivering the best quality care, 我们很高兴能有机会帮助你体会到同样的感受.

If you would like to learn more about where we operate, reach out to us at (电子邮件保护),请致电(614)442-7610,或前来咨询医生. 唐纳森.

We’re looking forward to helping you feel like the very best version of you!

