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什么是CoolTone雕刻喜欢? 一位澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台分享了她的故事

Provider Performing CoolTone Treatment

We like to tell our patients that a single CoolTone 循环相当于做 很多 一次仰卧起坐. 如此多的仰卧起坐,事实上,你可以在一次预约后看到效果. This unique treatment actually strengthens your muscles, 所以你不仅看到了结果, but you can experience them in the gym when you do abdominal exercises.

想让自己看起来更有线条,更健美,但光靠节食和锻炼是不够的? 这可能是你一直在寻找的非手术的身体轮廓澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 了解更多关于 CoolTone是什么样子 through the eyes of a Donaldson整形外科 patient! 

CoolTone, From A Patient’s Perspective 

I’d Always Been Thin But Never “Toned.”

It felt like my body was naturally opposed to having a defined stomach. 即使在我最健康的时候——每天锻炼两个小时,饮食均衡——我的胃也从来没有达到我想要的水平. 我的手臂, 腿, back muscles would get stronger and more defined, 但我的胃里有某种东西顶住了我的努力. 我有一段时间没去健身房了,但我想再次把健康放在首位.



  • 明显的肌肉轮廓
  • 肚脐更紧、更垂直
  • 可能减轻我的背痛
  • Motivation to continue going to the gym

是的,马上看到结果会很酷,但这也会激励我. 我想要得到保证,我的腹部检查结果甚至是可能的! My birthday was also coming up in a few weeks, 所以我无意中设定了一个目标,看看在我24岁的时候我能得到什么结果.

How It Started: An Accidental Consultation At Donaldson整形外科

I never really meant to learn about Cooltone, but I’m so glad I did! 我当时在办公室 补唇膏 当我发现有一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法可以帮助我摆脱长期以来的不安全感时. 我不需要做手术,也不会疼,而且我很快就能看到效果. 这简直好得令人难以置信. I trusted the insight of the nurse who performs my injectables though. 她坦率而诚实. 尽管我对Cooltone持怀疑态度,但她的推荐还是说服了我.

I had previously seen information about CoolSculpting on the practice’s Instagram, which I thought might be an option for me. 我和我的注射器聊了聊,她告诉了我CoolTone和 CoolSculpting.



CoolTone and CoolSculpting sound the same, but they are quite different. CoolSculpting可以冻结脂肪, 而CoolTone则增强和调节你的肌肉(不涉及冷冻).

在我的填充物预约期间,我们进行了一次临时咨询,看看我更适合做哪个. Since I didn’t have that much belly fat, she recommended I try CoolTone to get the results I was wanting.


If you watch a video of a CoolTone treatment, it looks kind of scary. 在一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,手动锻炼你的腹肌到看到定义的程度似乎很多. How can I see results without this hurting? I’m not sure why it doesn’t hurt, but it just doesn’t! It feels weird at first, but I fell asleep during almost every treatment. 那是一个非常平静的环境.

Here’s How Each Stage Of My CoolTone Experience Went

第一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网- 35分钟


打底裤和t恤. CoolTone涂抹器应涂抹在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网区域顶部的薄织物上.


我的护士把桨放在我的肚子上,然后用维可牢带固定. The machine’s power is measured as a percent. 她解释说,我的目标不是让我的能量达到100%,而我在这部剧里可能也不会达到100%. During my first treatment, I made it to about 55% power.


澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网包括两种不同的感觉:叩击和收缩. 一旦机器启动,它需要一段时间才能开始收缩肌肉.


Cooltone starts by tapping on the muscles which is painless. 轻拍可以分解运动后积累的乳酸,所以你不会感到酸痛. (他们真的把一切都考虑到了.)


The contractions are when the actual strengthening starts. The treatment is not supposed to hurt, but it is essentially a cramp. It feels like your muscles are being gently tugged and then squeezed. It’s weird, but they start you at a low setting. Once you’re used to it, you’ll want to turn it up more and more. 挤压持续几秒钟,然后是几秒钟的敲打, 然后回到挤压. 这个过程持续了大约25分钟.


There was no residual discomfort or downtime. 第一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,我看到的不同是我肚子上的CoolTone桨印, but I still had five more appointments to go. Nonetheless, I was still so excited to be doing this. I went to the gym that night feeling stronger. 那是我的幻觉吗? Mostly yes, but I felt motivated to work harder in the gym. Essentially, I had already achieved one of my goals!


By the second treatment, I was a Cooltone pro. 在接下来的每一次训练中,我都能忍受更多的机器功率. I could really start to see differences after about my third treatment. It was crazy how I could see changes in just 20 minutes.


在我的最后一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网中,我使Cooltone机器的功率达到85%左右. 考虑到我一开始几乎没有腹部力量,我认为这是相当不错的. 在我最后一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后,我看着镜子,对我的结果感到兴奋. 我可以看到更多的清晰度!


After six treatments, I definitely saw a difference. 它使我的胃变得结实. 我有六块腹肌吗? No. But that’s not what it was supposed to do. The biggest change I see is that my belly button looks more vertical. 这对我来说是一个主要的不安全感. CoolTone essentially lifted the look of my stomach.

An Interesting Side Effect: Some Additional Gym & 饮食的动机 

Throughout the three weeks of my treatment series, 我非常有动力, 不仅要去健身房,还要过一种更健康的生活方式——尤其是在食物方面. Although sometimes the thought of “well, CoolTone is basically exercising my body, so why do I need to go to the gym today?“那些日子我去健身房,但可能没有像我希望的那样努力工作. If I could change anything about my treatment series, 当我离开CoolTone健身中心的时候,我会在我的健康之旅上投入更多的精力.

像CoolTone这样的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法是为了强调你在家里过健康生活时所付出的努力. It isn’t meant to completely transform your body.


我看到了结果. 它让我的肚子更平坦、更有轮廓,也改变了我肚脐的形状. I think they may look slight to some people, but these results genuinely helped with a long-time insecurity. CoolTone is definitely worth it for the right patient. No pain, no downtime, no scarring, you will see muscle definition. The treatment was also quick and relaxing. Sometimes I would fall asleep to the white noise sounds of the machine.

CoolTone最好的地方之一是看到效果所需的时间. 只要把桨拿掉,你就可以照镜子,看到细微的差别.

真正的, noticeable results are seen after the initial series of six treatments, but you can continue to see improvements with further treatments. 你想去多久就去多久,所以我肯定会定期接受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.


Ready To Highlight The Hard Work You’ve Been Putting In?

CoolTone可以搭配一个 可持续体重管理计划 以及其他非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 像Kybella ——根据你独特的情况和目标,获得更大的结果. 我们邀请您与我们的哥伦布CoolTone专家澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,询问您可能对体验有任何其他问题,并预订您的第一个周期!

