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The Benefits Of "Awake 阴道整型的 Surgery" At A Private Practice 


越来越多的女性选择做手术 阴道整型手术, 不管他们是否想要减少不适, improve vital function or achieve an aesthetic goal. 虽然全身麻醉是安全的,而且经过证实, some patients may feel apprehensive about “going under” for surgical procedures. 多亏了外科技术的进步, reduction labiaplasty can be performed to the same degree of excellence within the comfort of a private medical practice.


是的, labiaplasty can be performed under local anesthesia by a skilled plastic surgeon. Patients who have had this procedure done in a private medical office instead of an operating room enjoy a more comfortable environment while mitigating costs and concerns associated with general anesthesia.

Note: If labiaplasty is combined with another procedure, the patient will likely have to undergo general anesthesia within a traditional operating room. 

舒适措施之前,期间 & 后阴道整型的

我们的 plastic surgeons primarily perform labiaplasty under local anesthesia — a technique that involves administering a one-time injection to a localized area, 麻痹的暂时麻痹神经以阻止感觉的. 之前 the procedure, a care provider applies a topical numbing cream for added comfort. Sedatives or pain medication may be prescribed to ease anxiety.

手术后, patients receive post-operation supplies including ice packs and TUCKS cooling pads for reco非常, recommendations for over-the-counter pain relievers.


Having This Procedure Performed In A Private Office Saves On Costs

在一个典型的手术室里, the average cost of time needed for this procedure would typically range from $1,000 to $2,250美元,全身麻醉从500美元到1美元不等,300. By choosing a private office that uses local anesthesia, 每位患者平均可节省3美元,000 for the same excellent results while remaining comfortable.

更快的恢复时间 & 减少潜在并发症

全身麻醉研究进展 在过去的几十年里表现出色吗, but this method comes with potential risks and lingering, 不良的影响. 并发症是 非常 不常见的, but side effects of general anesthesia do occur and may include dizziness, 瑟瑟发抖, 头痛, 发痒, 泌尿系统问题, 疼痛和全身疼痛.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From In-Office 阴道整型的?

Most labiaplasty patients can return to work after a few days and resume most regular activities after 2 weeks, but it’s advisable to refrain from sexual activity for at least 6 weeks. Reco非常 times vary, but swelling may persist for several weeks. In some cases, complete reco非常 may take up to 6 months. Individuals who undergo the procedure with only local anesthesia can typically drive themselves home afterward if they did not receive pain medications beforehand.

患者安全 & 脆弱组织的负责处理

在唐纳森, our commitment to women’s health is reflected in our understanding of the personal and sensitive nature of this procedure. 我们的 委员会认证的整形外科医生 treat vaginal tissue with the utmost responsibility, 专注于增强感觉, 提高舒适度,增强自信. We utilize multiple labiaplasty methods, including the 改良v形楔技术, choose the option that best caters to the patient’s anatomy and desired result.

每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台都得到全面的护理, 重点是优先考虑安全, minimizing downtime and ensuring the best experience possible.


阴道整型的 is one of the fastest surgical procedures we offer. On its own, it takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the patient’s unique circumstances. 包括术前麻醉时间, a patient can expect an appointment length of 90 minutes to 2 hours.


杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 is an esteemed board-certified plastic surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. 他擅长多种澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, 包括阴道整型的, 隆胸和腹部整形手术. Dr. Donaldson believes education is a crucial part of the decision-making process and strives to provide answers to the questions that help patients make the best, 为自己做最明智的选择.

