关于填料你需要知道的一切| DPS-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


作者:史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学 |

考虑填充物? 以下是你应该知道的

我会是你的向导, 史黛西·艾斯勒,宾州大学.

这是我家的返校时间, so I thought I should take the opportunity to share with our patients about one of our most popular nonsurgical treatments Welcome to Filler 101!

我是一名执业12年的医师助理, specializing in plastic surgery and non-surgical aesthetic treatments. I am very experienced and well-versed in the topic of facial fillers and nonsurgical aesthetic treatments, 我等不及要和你一起潜水了! Here are some of the most important facts about fillers that you should know.


皮肤填充剂 is a soft, malleable substance made of hyaluronic acid that is injected underneath the skin. 如果你问一个训练有素的注射器, they will tell you that the purpose of filler injections is to restore lost volume due to aging & to bring balance to a person’s face by controlling its proportions. Either by enhancing or de-enhancing certain facial features, 注入填充物以使其更平滑, 更吸引人的外表.


Filler uses the science of proportion in order to make certain features appear more or less prominent. Your injector should therefore have a advanced understanding of facial anatomy, 产品知识, and aesthetic training for you to achieve a technically beautiful result. Subtle manipulations and micro-adjustments (with 1ml of filler or less) can make a world of difference to a patient’s appearance, 以及他们自己的自我形象.

话虽如此, and facial sculpting and rejuvenation takes a fair amount of artistry and creativity on the behalf of your injector. 不是每一张脸都需要直截了当的方法, 所以注入器的风格肯定会起作用!


填充物有很多不同的形式, and they are formulated for different purposes and for use in different treatment areas. 我们主要销售Juvederm系列的填充剂, 其中包括以下三个我最喜欢的:


Volbella is an injectable hyaluronic acid filler that can be considered a ‘cousin’ to Juvederm.  It is used to create subtle volume at the lips and can also treat fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.  Because of the way Volbella is manufactured, results can last up to 1 year post-treatment.  It is known to create a ‘softer’ look when compared to Juvederm.  Volbella是一种非常棒的补唇剂!


Voluma is the hyaluronic acid filler of choice to treat age-related volume loss in the face.  It is the most viscous (thickest/heaviest) of the fillers and it tends to last the longest – up to 2 years post-treatment.  Voluma is not only injected below the skin in the subcutaneous level, it can be strategically placed along the cheekbones to recreate a ‘strut’ for the aging midface, 恢复结构和轮廓. 


Vollure is the middle child of the hyaluronic acid fillers – it is less firm than Voluma but holds more structure than Volbella.  Vollure is the optimal filler to use most commonly in the lower facial moderate to severe wrinkles, 包括鼻唇沟.  It is also versatile enough to correct deep tear trough deformities.  Results from these injections typically last around 18 months. 我们提供的其他填充物


  • 非手术鼻整形术
  • 脸颊增大
  • 唇术
  • 下巴和下颌轮廓
  • 泪槽填充术(眼下填充术)
  • 笑线和牵线木偶线处理

我们仅仅触及了表面, but I hope this guide has been helpful if you are thinking about getting filler done! 如果你想了解更多关于填充物的知识, set up a consultation with me any time so we can break down these topics even further and talk about bringing your dreams to life.



I would love to have a conversation with you about the best ways we can help you reach your goals and let your confidence shine. Call Donaldson整形外科 or contact us today to set up a one-on-one consultation with me, 斯泰西岛, 开始你的填充之旅. I so look forward to helping you become your very best version of you!



斯泰西岛 有超过12年的美容注射经验吗. 作为一名医师助理, 她运用她的解剖学知识, 外科技术, and her natural eye for aesthetics to help patients reach their goals in a fully customized way. Stacie is passionate about ensuring her patients fully understand and are excited about their treatment plans to ultimately feel their best!


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