填充物有害吗?? Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


作者:Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 |




真皮填充物近年来越来越受欢迎, with more patients seeking out this nonsurgical treatment to enhance their facial features, 减少衰老的迹象,增强自信. 然而, one question that many people ask before booking their 1st in-office appointment is “填充物有伤害吗??” 

简短的回答是:不,不完全是. Some discomfort — not pain — is normal when it comes to dermal fillers. 然而, the level of pain varies depending on the individual’s tolerance and the area being injected. 根据我们的经验, the vast majority of patients describe the sensation as a small pinch or a sting that lasts only about a minute, 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后24小时会有一些压痛.

有些患者可能会出现肿胀, 注射部位有瘀伤或发红, but these side effects are typically temporary and subside within a few days.


仅次于肉毒杆菌, filler is one of the least painful, nonsurgical treatments available. 然而,脸部的不同部位可能比其他部位更容易忍受. 例如, treating Marionette Lines is more comfortable than treating the lips — a notoriously sensitive part of the face. 

“嘴唇通常是最不舒服的部位. Many patients have said that their 肉毒杆菌 is more uncomfortable than their filler, 这很有趣,因为肉毒杆菌使用的针头很小!”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师



大多数真皮填充物含有 利多卡因,一种局部麻醉剂,这有助于麻醉被注射的部位. This significantly reduces any pain or discomfort that you might feel during the procedure. 另外, many practitioners use a topical numbing cream before administering the injection to further minimize any discomfort. Pro-Nox — a nitrous oxide delivery system for pain management — can be used if the patient is particularly anxious about the treatment.

The Energy Beauty Bar: Using Vibrations To Distract From The Injection

The “Energy Beauty Bar” is a vibrating facial massager that individuals sometimes use to relax the muscles and increase circulation in the face. 然而, our providers use this handheld tool while performing dermal filler injections to strategically distract patients from any discomfort. By sending pulses to other areas of the face, patients divert their attention away from the needle.


If you are concerned about the discomfort associated with dermal fillers, 以下是一些帮助你减轻疼痛的建议:

  • 选择经验丰富的注射器: Be sure to choose an experienced practitioner who is skilled specifically in administering fillers. This can help ensure that the procedure is done correctly, minimizing any pain or discomfort.
  • 与你的医生沟通: Let your practitioner know your pain tolerance and if you are feeling any discomfort during the procedure. They may be able to adjust the injection technique or provide additional pain mitigation measures to make you more comfortable.
  • 服用经批准的止痛药如果你对疼痛特别敏感, 你可能需要在手术前一小时服用泰诺. 应避免使用非甾体抗炎药. Be sure to consult with your practitioner before taking any medication.
  • 24小时内不要饮酒: Alcohol thins the blood which can slow down the healing process and cause additional bruising in the treated area. 酒精也应该避免 最多48小时后,您的补牙预约.
  • 保持水分这可能不会直接影响你在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网过程中的不适, but proper hydration both before and after will aid in the healing process and help prolong results. 

“There are certain things that can make an injection appointment more uncomfortable, 比如先摄入咖啡因, 应对睡眠不足, 被脱水, girls at certain points of their menstrual cycle can have a more difficult time — to name a few.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师


市场上有不同类型的皮肤填充剂, with some being more suitable for certain areas of the face than others. 这些是最常见的:

  • 透明质酸: These fillers are the most popular and are often used for lip injections, 面颊隆胸和鼻唇褶皱.
  • 羟磷灰石钙这些填充物可用于较深的皱纹和褶皱, 比如木偶线和鼻唇沟.
  • Poly-L-Lactic酸: These fillers are used to stimulate collagen production and are often used for areas such as the cheeks and chin.

在唐纳森整形外科,我们主要使用 透明质酸填充剂,因为它们被证明是安全的 以及达到患者个体目标的功效. 

“填充物不应该因为产品类型而更不舒服, 尽管注射方式——针头vs. 插管-可以有所作为. Needles can be a little more uncomfortable because of the amount of times the needle is inserted, 而插管只有一个插入点.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师


填料 injections can provide incredible results that enhance your facial features and reduce the signs of aging. 虽然手术过程中会有一些不适, 这种疼痛通常是相当轻微和短暂的. Choosing an experienced cosmetic injector and communicating with your practitioner can help minimize your discomfort. 

Adrienne Yanich RN作者简介


Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师, is a renowned aesthetic provider that specializes in 肉毒杆菌, cheek augmentation and 在俄亥俄州哥伦布市填唇. She performs nonsurgical treatments on a daily basis and is always researching new ways to improve her technique. Adrienne is sought after not only because of her incredible results but also her procedure knowledge and unique ability to explain medical information in a way most patients can understand. 

